War Rules 1- fight will go on 4 Union vs 4 Respect 26 Nov 2010
2- the server ip , The time is 19:00 pm Ukraine, 20:00 Russion
3- No spectators, and war will not stop for anybody to spec or do something for any reason
4- War will be cycle map, which mean if we started by france for example war considered to be done after we finish france for second time
5- Screen shots should be made by the two teams at the end of each map and posted on ours Union and Respect websites .
6- The Final result will be set of the summaition of all maps scoring.
7- Switching team will be each map, make sure that your members understand that so we don't waste time and stop war
8- No chat with other team but may be each clan represent someone to speak on behalf of the entire clan.
9- If any of the above rules has been abused or broken, Union wont play vs Respect ever, and i will make sure that all Union members understand.
Note : E please add the time in Egypt time too